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105th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration

Statement by the Palestinian Mission to the UK on the 105th anniversary of the Balfour DeclarationToday, 2 November 2022, marks 105 years since the Balfour Declaration was issued. On this occasion, the Palestinian Mission to the UK calls for accountability.The declaration

02 November 2022

Palestine Mission to the U.K. statement on Israel’s aggression on Gaza

We strongly condemn Israel’s aggression on Gaza which followed a series of Israeli killings and arrests in the occupied West Bank. We call on the UK government to intervene immediately and strongly with the Israeli government to end this assault

06 August 2022

The Palestinian Mission welcomes Amnesty report, urges UK government action

The Palestinian Mission to the UK welcomes London-based Amnesty International’s report on Israeli apartheid. Amnesty now joins a chorus of voices denouncing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people as a systematic, deliberate and institutionalised policy of racial oppression -- an

01 February 2022

Criminal treatment of Palestinian prisoners must end

Palestinian political prisoners are continuing to protest the inhumane treatment they suffer at the hands of their Israeli jailors by refusing food and embarking on life-threatening hunger strikes. We call on the UK government to pressure Israel to end abusive

14 January 2022

Statement: The UK has failed Palestine and international law by abstaining in the UN General Assemnly vote on Jerusalem

The UN resolution on the status of Jerusalem passed overwhelmingly today. It reiterates the international legal position on the status of East Jerusalem as an occupied city and the importance of respecting the Status Quo Understanding, especially at the Haram

02 December 2021

UK decision on Hamas “retrograde and one-sided”

The Palestinian Mission to the United Kingdom today condemned the British government’s decision to designate the political wing of the Hamas movement a “terrorist organisation,” and described it as a retrograde step that will make peace-making harder and diminish the

19 November 2021

Palestinian Mission to the UK Welcomes Historic Labour Party Motion

LONDON // Palestinian Mission to the United Kingdom welcomes the passing of a Labour Party motion calling for immediate action to curb the “ongoing Nakba” in Palestine. Among the measures Labour members voted for were an ethical trade policy and

27 September 2021

At UNGA: President Abbas issued the starkest warning that Palestinian patience is at an end

LONDON // In his speech to the UN General Assembly today, President Mahmoud Abbas issued the starkest warning yet that Palestinian patience is at an end and that there must be real tangible change on the ground within one year.Israel,

24 September 2021

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