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127 British politicians demand UK impose sanctions on Israel in the event of annexation of occupied Palestinian territory

127 British politicians from all parties have written to the British Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary urging them to make clear publicly to Israel that any annexation of occupied Palestinian territory “will have severe consequences including sanctions”. In an

1st May 2020

Emergency Support Request Form “COVID-19 ”

الأخوات والإخوة الجالية الفلسطينية والطلبة الفلسطينين الدارسين في بريطانيا تهديكم سفارة فلسطين لدى المملكة المتحدة أطيب تحياتها، آملين أن تكونوا بخير في ظل الظروف الصعبة التي نعيشها بسبب أزمة وباء كورونا، ونود إعلامكم بأنه منذ بدء الأزمة تمّ إنشاء لجنة

6th April 2020

Foreign Minister welcomes issuance of database of companies involved in Israeli settlements

Foreign Minister Riyad Malki welcomed today the issuance of the long-awaited for UN report on business enterprises involved in the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, issued today the database

12th February 2020

UN publishes list of companies with ties to Israeli settlements

The UN has published a list of companies with business ties to Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the US-based TripAdvisor and Airbnb and the British truck and digger maker JCB. Most of the 112 companies linked to

12th February 2020

Press Release: Caabu Parliamentary meeting on the Trump plan deems it a non-starter

Caabu hosted a briefing on the Trump proposal in Parliament today, with the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, Dr Husam Zomlot, outlining why the so-called ‘deal’ was a non-starter. The briefing was jointly hosted by Caabu Chair David Jones MP.

10th February 2020

Arab Ambassadors urge Britain to reject Trump’s “Deal of the Century”

Arab Ambassadors to the United Kingdom have demanded that the British government rejects Trump’s proposal for a solution to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict termed the “Deal of the Century” as it does not satisfy the rights required by the Palestinians

10th February 2020

Trumps peace plan ‘deal of the century’

The Trump peace plan proposed by the White House with the aim of settling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was announced on the 28th of January. Trump’s main proposals included: 1) US recognition of Israeli sovereignty 2) Jerusalem will remain Israel’s capital

28th January 2020

Palestinian architects nominated for British award

Palestinian architecture studio nominated for the prestigious Royal Academy Dorfman AwardThe Royal Academy of Art in London, UK, announced yesterday the selection of Palestinian architecture studio AAU Anastas as one of its finalists for the Royal Academy Dorfman Award 2020.The

18th January 2020

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