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H.E. Dr. Husam Zomlot gives a lecture in the University of Warwick

H.E. Dr. Husam Zomlot, Ambassador of the Palestinian Mission to the UK visited the University of Warwick to give a lecture regarding ‘The Conflict: A Palestinian Perspective’ on January 12th. The event was hosted by the University of Warwick’s Friends

12th January 2020

Palestinian students choose their GUPS representatives

During the conference, members of the GUPS presented the financial and literary reports of the previous commitee which has since been replaced by the new union. Based on the results of the election, the following individuals were elected into the

9th January 2020

UNRWA at 70 anniversary conference

The plight of Palestinian refugees is at the heart of the Palestinian struggle, HE Dr Husam Zomlot told a conference on 30 November marking the 70th anniversary of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).The conference, entitled ‘UNRWA at

30th November 2019

The Palestinian Mission in London honors the Kuwaiti Ambassador

The Palestinian Mission in the United Kingdom honors the Kuwaiti Ambassador in London, Khaled Al-Duwaisan in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Information, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, and other Arab ambassadors to the United Kingdom.Minister Nabil Abu Rudeineh

26th November 2019

Celebrating our Declaration of Independence

The Palestinian Mission in the United Kingdom on 25 November marked the anniversary of the Palestinian Declaration of Independence at a reception at the Waldorf Hilton in London.The event was attended by British officials and politicians, leaders of British civil

25th November 2019

Labour Party on Palestine is an example to follow

H.E. Dr. Husam Zomlot has urged British parties to follow the example of the Labour Party's support for international law and justice on the issue of Palestine.The Labour Party Manifesto ahead of the 12 December UK general election committed a

21st November 2019

Ambassador Zomlot condemns US shift on illegal Israeli settlements

The US has shifted its position on the status of Israel's settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.On 18 November, Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, announced that Washington no longer considered settlements "inconsistent with international law."This

18th November 2019

Israeli strikes in Gaza leave 34 dead, including eight children

A ceasefire was agreed on 14 November between Israel and the Islamic Jihad group in Gaza after the assassination of an Islamic Jihad leader and his wife at their home in Gaza and a subsequent 48-hour spike in violence across

14th November 2019

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