Statement: The UK has failed Palestine and international law by abstaining in the UN General Assemnly vote on Jerusalem

The UN resolution on the status of Jerusalem passed overwhelmingly today. It reiterates the international legal position on the status of East Jerusalem as an occupied city and the importance of respecting the Status Quo Understanding, especially at the Haram Al Sharif.

Unfortunately, the UK, for the first time, opted to abstain, thus deviating from international legitimacy. Jerusalem is the key to such a two-state outcome which has historically been strongly supported by the UK and the international community more widely.

H. E. Ambassador Husam Zomlot said: “By changing its vote, combined with recent retrograde and one-sided steps, the UK government is walking away from peace-making in the Middle East and from international legality.”

“Such a choice sends the wrong message at the wrong time to the Israeli side, which appears to be adamant on finishing off what is left of the prospects for a two-state outcome.

“This is not just a bad day for peace in the Middle East. It is a bad day for the UK, its international standing and role in the region.”

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