Press Statement on the Divestment from Israeli assets by the UK’s Biggest Private Pension Fund

The UK’s biggest private pension fund, USS (Universities Superannuation Scheme), has divested £80 million from Israeli assets implicated in the illegal colonial occupation of the Palestinian territory.

We welcome this principled policy as it moves us a step closer to peace and justice in the region.

It also moves us closer to a literal application of the ICJ ruling last month that Israel’s continued presence in, and the colonial settlements on, the occupied Palestinian territory is unlawful, and must end with all settlements dismantled.

We hope the significant decision by the USS will soon become comprehensive to include all those on the UN’s list of companies complicit with Israel’s illegal settlement project in occupied territory.

Sanctions, arms embargoes and divestment from companies involved in Israel’s many violations of international law are the most potent tools to help end Israeli war crimes, Israel’s illegal occupation and set the stage for a just and sustainable peace.

We urge other British investors to adopt an ethical investment policy in line with domestic and international law and follow this principled and effective USS decision.

In our case, like it was for Apartheid South Africa, divestments and sanctions save lives and usher in a better future.

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