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Our News

Israeli strikes in Gaza leave 34 dead, including eight children

A ceasefire was agreed on 14 November between Israel and the Islamic Jihad group in Gaza after the assassination of an Islamic Jihad leader and his wife at their home in Gaza and a subsequent 48-hour spike in violence across

14th November 2019

Israel arrests Palestinian Authority minister

 Israeli police on 3 November arrested Fadi al-Hidmi, the Palestinian Authority's minister for Jerusalem Affairs.It is the third time al-Hidmi has been arrested since he took office last April and it marks another violation of Palestinian rights in occupied East

3rd November 2019

102 years since the Balfour Declaration

The Balfour Declaration was issued on 2 November, 1917. It announced the British government’s support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. The consequences are still felt by Palestinians today.The Declaration foreshadowed the 1948

2nd November 2019

8th Palestine Book Awards

Nabil Anani, Noura Erakat, Isabella Hammad, Andrew Ross and Samuel Wilder took away the prizes at the seventh Middle East Monitor Palestine Book Awards on 1 November.The awards have been taking place annually since 2012 and honours authors who have

1st November 2019

H.E. Dr. Husam Zomlot visits the All Saints Catholic School in Dagenham, London

H.E. Dr. Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian ambassador to the UK, on 20 September visited the All Saints Catholic School in Dagenham, London. The visit came as part of the Rivers of the World Project, in which students at All Saints

21st September 2019

Netanyahu plans to annex Palestinian land if re-elected

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the right-wing Likud party, on 15 September announced his intention to annex the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea, if elected again. Netanyahu said he had received a green light from the US

15th September 2019

Sheffield City Council first UK city to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state

Dr. Husam Zomlot visits Sheffield city councillors in attendance of the debate of the motion to recognize Palestine in Sheffield town hall.The motion was proposed by Council leader Julie Dore and supported by Cllr Adam Hurst, calling for the recognition of the

4th September 2019

Palestinian entrepreneurs showcase their talent in UK

A group of Palestinian entrepreneurs visited the UK, as part of their participation in an event to showcase Palestinian entrepreneurship. The event was organised with support from the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC). The goal of the visit was to

14th June 2019

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